Jiangsu I..C.S.G is establish in Jiangsu Nantung Yangkou port and Mr Raheb Akhshik ( Liu Bei) is its Presedent & CEO. We have more than 20 years of experience in trade between China and Iran and we are experts in all aspects of conducting business in both countries. Our company starting point was in importing stone, bitumen, oil and expanded to other commodities to china’s Xiamen, Yangkou, Guangzhou … ports. In accordance with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) (一 一路) our company strives to achieve the soft infrastructure needed to boost trade between the two countries. Our company took initiative and invited and hosted an event with some of the Chinese officials and businessmen in 2015 in order to examine some of the potential sites and actualize a part of the BRI. We commence our consulting company under the name of yi da yi lu (silk road one belt one way) as a well known legal entity acknowledged by the Iranian law. with our team experience and expertise we can provide solution and and facilitate trade with Iran aligned with the one belt one way policies. By using our services we can provide you with guidance and help you navigate the Iranian market in order to achieve the best result. Our services are designed to support your every business ventures in Iran.

About our online office
Raheb Akhshik
We have more than 20 years of experience in trade between China and Iran and we are experts
in all aspects of conducting business in both countries. Our company starting point was in
importing stone, bitumen, oil and expanded to other commodities to china’s Xiamen, Yangkou,
Guangzhou … ports.
Raheb Akhshik
Our Team

Mark Jance
Aviana Plummer
Braydon Wilkerson
Kristin Watson
CEO / FOUNDERWe work through every aspect at the planning
Our company history and facts
I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
Design & development process demonstration
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul,like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.